What is the purpose of F.F.O.C.!.?

Faith Fellowship of Churches International postulates two primary mission objectives, each of which can be subdivided into a diversity of implementation objectives and mechanisms.  Succinctly states, the two primary areas are:

Empowering the local church to more aptly address its primary mission, namely, the presentation of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ locally, nationally, and internationally.

Empowering the local pastor through the impartation of apostolic authority and functional order within the local church. While FFOCI does not seek and shall not presume to exert undue influence upon the oversight provided by the local pastor, it avails itself nevertheless to assist the local pastor, upon invitation, through apostolic visitations designed solely to impart divine order within the local church, and to undergird the office of the pastor within that local assembly, as exemplified in the Pauline epistles.

The Faith Fellowship of Churches International is the foundations from which other ministries proceed.  Our purpose is to produce through the teaching of God's Word, a people who will be a clear voice and a working example of the believer in the word, in conversation (lifestyle), in charity (love), in spirit (fervency), in faith (belief), and in purity (holiness and sanctification).
I Timothy 4:12 

FFOCI Affiliation Information Sheet 2.pdf FFOCI Affiliation Information Sheet 2.pdf
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What is the secret to local church growth?

The secret is increased giving and renewed excitement among our members.  The local churches in American have been met with the challenge of bringing a "missions" awareness to the minority communities.  This presents a challenge that will dismantle all the myths of foreign missions.  Due to lack of information, many minority and ethnic communities have not had sensitivity to world evangelism.

The aim of Faith Fellowship of Churches International is to challenge today's generation to respond to the mandate given by God.  This ministry allows our churches to exchange their convictions, challenges, victories and values from different cultural perspectives.  

Faith Fellowship of Churches International does not exclude any race; however, it embraces all people groups in an effort to bring racial reconciliation.

What is the vision of F.F.O.C.I.?

We seek to reveal Christ to the world community through systematic outreach, and to reach the poor and outcast. There is a vast need for missionaries from different ethnic groups.  African American missionaries make up less than 1% of the total missionaries represented on the foreign field.  As a result of observing the vast need for missionaries from different ethnic groups, we try to send missionaries for a week or two to the foreign field. 

We seek to promote the networking and fellowship of African American churches in the United States with churches from the "3rd world" developing nations and cultures.

What is F.F.O.C.I.'s prospectus?

We purpose to minister the Word of reconciliation to broken families; to restore purpose and priority to men; to produce role models as well as wholesome educational and recreation for the youth; to promote spiritual, emotional and domestic outreach to women and to develop balanced leadership in the home, church and society.

We also extend outreach throughout this nation and world.
We seek to use every conceivable means to preach the gospel of the Kingdom to every nation, tongue, and tribe.

 We are conveying this message through radio, television, audio/video tapes, crusades, publications, etc.  The message is being carried throughout the nation and the world through meetings, crusades and conferences. 

When WORLD MISSION is put first, God blesses the local churches abundantly.

The Vision for the year 2014

Fellowship of Metropolitan are churches with each other are uniting to proclaim the glory of the Lord over their area.  The Goal is to have at least ten churches in fifteen states in the United States by June 2015.

Fellowship of American churches with the churches from the developing countries and cultures.  The goal is to be in covenant with sister churches in ten developing countries by June 2015.